Total attention to details

TOTAL ATTENTION TO DETAILS Flipping through the chapters of my life, I stumbled at a chapter that I found very hard to flip over The chapter where I learned the true meaning of giving total attention to every detail of life I remember one of the sections, we had within the four walls of the bank; where we were majorly told to give total attention to every transactional detail Of course, not giving total attention to details could allow fraud to slip through the smart finger of any staff and that would be very detrimental to the bank As a matter of fact, the staff(s) involved might end up spending their lifetime in the cell Paying total attention intersects every phase of the human race. Sincerely those little things we picture not to be mattered, they really matter I also remember how a young man got a job, that could not be acquired by the most qualified applicant What did he do that others failed to do? 1. He picked up a file from the floor, which was intentiona...