A little over 5 years ago, a story was told of a motivational Speaker, named John Stone On this fateful day, he was invited to dish out a motivational meal for the graduating students... The day came to reality, he dressed up looking stunning in his jacket with a touch of sky blue—John had been known with his black big briefcase where he houses his apple laptop and a magical pen This time, Stone proved everybody wrong except himself — he squared up his shoulders and confidently walking tall into the hall, like a ready pen in the hands of an impetuous writer Stone, “an embodiment of motivation” descended into a human body Stone had just one white broad cardboard folded in his hands with an inscription that reads “IMPOSSIBILITY” He widely spreads the white cardboard and asked the graduating students, what did they see on the cardboard and they all chorused “IMPOSSIBILITY” He asked over and over again, all they could chorus is “IMPOSSIBILITY” The graduating students were confidently expec...