Ready or not? Asked by Captain Martins and I responded with a capital YES We all had what we needed for the battle; blood-sucking weapons of different sizes, shields, arrows, grenades, stupendous battle strategies, fall-back plans, and so on. As the second in command, with these intelligent plans and blood-sucking weapons, I strongly believe victory is ours, I commented and we moved As a second in command, it is my respectful duty to act on the instructions dished out by the provincial captain... We moved, fully shielded from head to toe. Assessing our footwear—they were as hard as a rock, anyone we step on will suffer a severe injury The height of our bravery was of no match, so we moved, we were ready to strike them down We had a mission statement tagged “Kill Them All” The sound waggling from our footsteps could resuscitate the dead from the grave or set a prisoner free from the prison We were charged into war and we began to slice them down, right in their camp— they were caught an...