7 Amazing Charms For An Healthy Relationship

Her radiant smile ,her irresistible figure,her angelic voice ,her intellectual prowess... Or probably the way she girlishly walks as if she got a broken wing or the way she calls you in and makes you tremble through the power of her dazzling eyeballs His magical scent, his cute bright face,his bold voice or his voice that sounds like that of an angel,his heftily tall stature and on like that I wish I could keep these romantic chunks racing,I never prayed to pause or halt this romantic beats pulsating. A friend named Janet, warmly asked me — Georgina,would you love to travel to Paradise? I coughed out laugher & said ,no ,I have found a paradise dazzling my eyes “Galaxy” I felt really good & I wish I could pin down the feelings like a nail punched through a wall. His smile drives me crazy ,the way he launches my heart into the cozy arms of an angel to guide me through the dangers of the night I really wish I could stabilize this romantic feelings,so in achieving that,I eve...