It was exactly 2 years that I lost my Dad to the power of death that pushed him to the world of unknown on that early morning of Monday at exactly 6 am in the morning.
It was a reality that I wished it remained as a dream but it was a reality. It was still ringing in my mind just like my favorite song.
Years spent without my dad were uneasy to handle for me until I met a damsel named Angelina on that beautiful day.
I couldn't stop myself from approaching her even in the midst of the crowd. They say "getting a girl's attention should be in a decent spot but I needed to silent that before I Lost her into the hands of another guy because of one kind stupid belief(smile), as a sharp guy, I won her to myself with my amazing technique.
Angelina came in to play the role of Juliet in my life. It went on to the extent of falling in love with her. I never knew the definition of love until she came to paint my sky that was turning grey with blue.
My existence always gets boring without Angelina besides me. There is an adage that says Love is like a smoke that can not be hidden, this adage is the exact definition of our love.
Her love turned me into a poet, a number of times I wrote poems for her and this always turned her on by replying me with a radiant smile emanated from her face, I guess it is one of her weak points.
I honestly loved to see that smile flying so high on her face because each time she smiles I am always blessed with kisses in return (smile).
After 3 years of courting, our love was able to conquer every storm that arose on the journey of our life.
The love that existed between us began to wear us just like the beautiful dress of Paul and Peter each time they are going for the show.
On that fateful day, Angelina looked at me in the eyes and said Francis, let's enter into a blood covenant and I looked at her in the eyes with our hands firmly held closer to each other, are you serious of what you just said? And she said yes, as tears began to roll out from the sockets of our eyes, she moved closer the more and whispered into my ears, baby I don't want to lose you and I said I don't want too, Baby.
On the 27th of July 2013, we entered into a blood covenant by putting our lives on the line. I couldn't believe I could do this but I eventually did, maybe I was not thinking straight or something.
The journey of love continued like a man who turns the pages of a romantic novel each time he reads it with a beautiful smile reflecting on his face.
Two months passed after entering into a blood covenant.
One fateful night, I was there on my bed with my head rested to my pillow and I then slid in to dreamland where I saw myself being chased by a giant man with two swords on both hands, calling my name and ran after me, all of a sudden I woke up panting with sweats all over.
I didn't have the strength to key into dreamland again after the ugly nightmare.
Another terrible thing about myself is that I don't voice out until things get out of hands, I think I inherited that from my Father.
Each day I wake up, I forget about my fears but each time I return to my bed in the night, that silent fears in the day returned to me strong and active. I forgot to tell you, I am the only child of Late Mr. Williams Adebayo and my baby boo is named Angelina Johnson.
On the 25th of September, 2014, I received a call from Angelina's mom that her daughter is critically ill and she personally demanded for my presence, I rushed out swiftly like the movement of an aircraft that is about to take off even without notifying my Mom, on getting there, I saw my beautiful Angelina lying lifelessly like a piece of wood on her bed, as a lover boy , I couldn't stop myself from screaming with my both hands on each side of my face.
I whispered into her ears maybe she can wake up to the promises we have made, the kisses we have exchanged, the fun we have had and the secrets things we have shared together, everything I did couldn't wake her from the world of unknown.
I couldn't believe myself confronting the invisible Death as I began to commune with death one on one with a lot of questions swimming in my heart; I pressed on and I said what have I done to deserve this? Why are you so heartless, wicked and at the same time stupid? Why do you always find it easy to take away everyone that my existence rested on, you first took my Dad when I was still struggling to be a man and now you have taken away the one that gave me joy when my sky turned grey? How would I be able to live without you? How can I survive each moment of my life without you, Angelina? All these questions went unanswered.
I actually thought, everything will go back to normal maybe after some months until the appearance of one night and I saw myself and my adorable Angelina sitting together besides the blue sea as I began to hear all manners of songs supported with the beatings of the drum, God saved me from this , I woke up after the whole dream.
I never knew I was in love with a mermaid, not just a mermaid, I guess she was their boss or something because I could remember I have had one dream like that while I saw them bowing down to her.
Honestly speaking, I really did not know the kind of relationship or a romantic affair you have entered into, are you sure you didn't start the journey all in the name of beauty without giving proper analysis to other factors?
Have you taken your time to hold a torch and search every other dark area you need to check before the relationship gets even deeper?
I couldn't believe I was in love with a mermaid whose life would come to a halt at a destined time as jointly agreed by her other members.
Can you remember how she had seductively asked you to switch off the light each time you wanted to have a nice time together?
You never knew at that time may be your 50-gigabyte destiny has been reduced or compressed to 20 megabytes at the absence of light, all in the name of pleasure that can never last for 3 hours unstoppably.
I was in love with the one whose single touch is enough to send men to the world of known.
Maybe you have been falling in love with the one whose kisses have been draining off your destiny's energy without you knowing.
I really do not want who is getting your head spinning, it is high you took some steps that will guide you in an attempt to set yourself free just like myself.
Guess what I did? I took some steps by narrating what I faced with my friend named Richard and we took a step by visiting a divinely blessed man of God who led me into a deliverance section, that was how I was delivered and able to break the enchantment and covenant that existed between myself and Angelina, the mermaid, that nearly ruined my life.
It was a rare opportunity that I received to be graciously saved from the hands of a demonic lady.
Maybe you needed to take some steps that will turn your life around, all you have to do is ;
1. Identify the fact that you have problems.
3. Agree with the person on the relevant steps to be taken.
4. Ensure the analyzed steps are taken.
Bear it in mind, it is not all battles that require a spiritual approach.
*Some need common sense and some need a spiritual approach.
No problem can be solved without your consent, it means you are the first person that can solve your problems, without you, it can not be solved.
I love you.
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