Here I am walking on the valley where sex is traded freely like sachet water

Sometimes I wonder how would I be saved from this world captured by Sin as I walk on the surface of the earth

I tried looking away from the sin thrown to my path to battle with

Now I needed to touch Jesus believing I could receive a spiritual power that I needed to wear to journey on in life

I ran to church as a safe home, it surprises me to say that the church is now being controlled by the world and am inside the world but not of the world

Maybe this time I need extra power to fly to the sky to shield myself from every raw temptation that is being presented to me

I heard of Brother Tunji who prayed aggressively that anything that will separate him from the love of Christ should be separated, to his surprise he was texted by the so-called love of his life stating that she is no longer interested

I remember how Bro Tunji was crying profusely like a baby girl

The question is what will separate us from the love of Christ?

Is it a failed relationship that cost us almost eternity ? is it the sack letter dished out on your birthday? Is it the loss of your loved ones? is it that insufficient fund?

Tell me what could bring about the separation between you and Christ

It's a pity how many didn't really know what he actually went through to ensure us of eternity

I really can't imagine what will separate me from the love of Christ after passing through the impossible in life

Have you ever paused in thought and imagine how heavy the cross was on his shoulders?

I saw you leaving your life like he never existed as if your life was paid and owned by you

The last track that was passed to you went unread and thrown inside the moving waters

It takes a determined righteous man riding on the wheel of grace to be received into the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ

We were never promised there wouldn't be temptations determining to usher us into the lake of fire

The understanding is becoming clearer, I wouldn't mind experiencing the tribulations of life and you know what, I wasn't promised there wouldn't be tribulations, they are part of the processes

Joseph wouldn't be elected as a prime minister if he wasn't put inside the prison, there is no other escaping route

Jesus wouldn't be called the King of kings if he hadn't defeated death on the cross all by himself

So, what will separate me from my first love?

It's your personal decision to obey or to disobey

Here I am wouldn't mind being left alone, if that is required to serve him in truth and faithfulness

Each cross will be carried by each person, two persons will not carry one cross

Even when my farm is dry of fruits, I will still find the strength and raise my hands in praise and worship

Here I am facing the cross left for me to carry on, taking it all on my shoulders as I trend on his footprints imprinted on my journey

I know there would be dark clouds determining to ensure my return but I wouldn't return

What is tearing you apart from the one that gave you that life?

What could you make ignore the last message sent to you by Christ and hangs on to the one destined to ensure your destruction?

The last time I saw you dancing with the Devil sent to ensure your soul is delivered as a gift to the pit of hell?

Bro Paradise that was preached to last week Friday, that same brother's death was announced on Saturday Evening

The question is, would his name land him straight to paradise or push him on the path of hell where he will be thrown and tormented inside a living hell eternally, mark that word"ETERNAL"?

Have you imagined how heavier the cross was, for such to be carried by a king who left his throne in heaven?

Why do you keep breaking his heart and keep making the devil put on a beautiful smile on his face?

Why do you keep breaking the heart of a king who paid with his own precious life to buy yours from the pit of hell?

I hope you will not let his precious blood go wasted on you

Stop nailing him to the cross, change when you still can.

I love you.


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