I saw you the other time crying and gliding in pain, I walked away like I didn't care and you did try to stop me but all I could do was to reply you with a radiant smile
You eventually won in stopping me and I sat you down and gave you what you needed to hear
Hey dear, you said you wanted to shine like Gold but it looks like you have suddenly forgotten what Gold passed through
Gold did experience raw fire before it came outshining
I was told you wanted to shine brightly like Gold, not as silver and didn't want to be heated inside the oven of life
I was also told that you wanted to grow and spread branches everywhere and didn't want to be drilled and wait for your season
Who really does that? You wanted to shine and doesn't take heat as your best friend
Do you remember there was a man scripturally documented in the Bible who first experienced the first version of pain, guess who he was? His name is Jesus and this brought about a new name that is globally recognized all over the world, even up till now
Will you tell me, you have never heard about Jesus?
If you really want to come shining, be ready to be tutored by heat and pain
So, stop complaining and face reality
Even your adorable chapter(psalm 23) that promised you that you shall not want, did not say you might not walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it stated that he will be with you
So the question is, where is your own different? Why is your own version of pain harder than the rest?
The answer to this is very simple, it's because you are distinct and chosen for greatness
Gold came out shining because it humbled itself into the hands of heat
Jesus was exalted because he humbled himself up to the point of death
You gave it raw to me that friends and lover are gradually leaving you in your painful moment and I replied you with these;
Bronze, silver and the rest left Gold when Gold was encountering the first version of heat as fresh as hellfire
If you don't want to just shine like Bronze-made glory, be ready to humble yourself and be baked under the mentorship of pain and heat.
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