There is a saying that states  "no one knows tomorrow"

We really don't need to go far to know what tomorrow is all about, of course, tomorrow is Saturday if today is Friday, that is from a layman definition

As simple as it sounds, that layman definition is pregnant of so many things that a day will not be enough to exhaust it all

My eyes settle for tears after discovering that the youth of this age have inculcated and culminated into these two selfish attitudinal styles that state;

 "Spend all as it comes

Spend much & save little as it comes"

Honestly, it's like these styles have come to stay, as a matter of fact, it has always been difficult to resist

The daily revelation keeps giving a report how many of us have been so addicted to these styles, perhaps you don't find yourself in the first style, you can't tell me you won't be found in the second category

Here we are eating our cake that is still undergoing a baking era

Over the years, it has become a custom

Little money, let's go and buy clothes,  bags, that goes for the girls

Little money let's go and spray money in the club

*Each year you celebrate your birthday has always been a moment to show off in any way you can

It's crazy, how a sane man wakes up from his bed and blows millions of naira away in a day, all in the name of marking his birthday, at the detriment of people who can barely afford two square meal in a day

Why do we keep eating our cake that is still undergoing a baking process?

It's crazy how many do not know that today's opportunities are for tomorrow's challenges

So how will you dare it and look straight into the eyes of the future and explain to the future that the opportunities presented to you have been blown away into the arms of luxuries of the present?

Today's rain is for tomorrow's dryness

Why are you gradually exhausting the grace of today in order to disgrace your tomorrow

Tomorrow belongs to those that are saving for it

Saving for tomorrow goes beyond financial investment, it calls for mental investment and acquisition of skills to challenge the future into greatness

Then what do you do to your tomorrow?

Your desire to impress all is of no equal

I hope you will not empty your tomorrow while that of others will be breathing greatness

I hope you will rise now and treat your tomorrow that has been injured by your lifestyle and model out some control measures to ensure its healthiness

Hey dear, don't let today's satisfaction robs you of tomorrow's greatness

Tomorrow is always greater than today if it is well planned

Saving culture is no longer the order of our days, I guess that culture has faded into the arms of the past and has been replaced by spending culture

I  heard of a girl who emptied her account in order to purchase a gold-laced bag worth #350,000

Your goal is to look rich while emptying your account

That is no other than a fake life

Each step we take, will keep our tomorrow alive or murdering it

You can make your tomorrow great

Ask yourself this simple question;

Am I planning for the future or just fighting for daily living?

That is what many are doing, settling for today while murdering their tomorrow

Today's rainfall can as well be for tomorrow's dry season.

Think about


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