I heard Janet saying, am done waiting, I must get married by all means this year, whatever it takes, I am ready to go for it, either good method or bad method.

It is a good thing to be determined and it is a different thing entirely to wait for the cake you place inside the oven to experience a full baking process before it is taken out.

The number of wedding activities that took place, on the second and third Saturday of 2019 outnumbered every other Saturdays in the year 2019, as observed by me, anyway.

Almost every hall and every field I scanned through was holding one wedding program or the other, on those two different Saturdays

Hey dear, if you are not ready, don't allow anyone to push you into a journey, you are not or not yet prepared for

I wouldn't fail to understand the fact that, there is pressure flying like birds from every angle and adding to the fact that, you are not getting younger, you are growing older.

Don't rush, what you are not prepared for, it is very dangerous

There is a fact we need to understand, marriage is not a race, it is a lifetime commitment

If you have been picturing Marriage as a race, no doubt about it, be ready to get yourself injured on a rough surface

Marriage is a ministry set up by God to be pioneered by two destined souls, for the fulfillment of their destinies

Marriage is not just a platform where sex or children only took place, it is more than that.

 It is a platform where the lives of your children and other lives are raised as desired by God

Marriage is not a calling into suffering, it is a calling into fulfillment of God's promises for your life

Marriage is not a platform where poverty is being expressed

The reality is, if you rush things, you might end up expressing POVERTY

Making lives more difficult for yourself, your wife and the lives of your children

Marriage is not accidental, it is an intentional task, don't turn it to an accidental task

So, be ready to take your time, if you are not ready

Be convinced, you are ready for it

What is rushed, gets destroyed, no matter how it is packaged or managed

Being wealthy or employed is not a convinced ticket of going into Marriage, Marriage is deeper than that.

Marriage is the ability of a responsible man and responsible woman to better their lives and the lives of their children

So if you can't do that why venturing into one?

Don't be the reason, your children would be cursing you unconsciously

Don't be the reason your children will be hawking on the street like they have no parent to cater to their needs

Don't be the reason our dear country will dwell into poverty

Don't be the reason your children will be envying the lives of other children out there

Don't go into, what you are not capable of, no matter the pressure, be it Marriage or any other project

Don't allow any pastor,alas, elders, friends or even your parents to push you into Marriage

Don't be pushed, be ready

These are two different things, "to be pushed or to be ready"

Don't execute a project, you know nothing about

It is your life, not theirs

Marriage is a call into responsibility, not a game of babies, it calls for stable maturity

Marriage is a platform where other destinies sprout out from your source

Marriage needs God's leading, not men's leading, make sure, it is God's leading

Be double-sure, what is pleasing to the world, is not always pleasing to the conditions of your destiny

It is U not them

Don't rush things, if you are not ready

It is better to fail as a single person than to fail in your responsibilities in Marriage

Take charge of your life, don't be pushed, be led before you are ready


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