2 years ago, I packed out from a rented apartment into a newly built 3 bedroom flats, the one I built with my sweat

On that day, I was trying to set things right, inside my newly built apartment, a picture fell out from my old school file

I took a step of faith to check it, Io and behold, it was the picture of my Bellinda, Bellinda, a lady I loved with all my heart

Touching her picture, swiftly logged me into the past revelation of our love

Every touch I gave to the picture, was reminding me of the beautiful moments we spent together

I was beginning to think that the picture was an enchanted one

The touches I made on the picture unveiled the memories of the past and busted them unto my sight

I kept on thinking about the beautiful moments we spent together

At a point, I remember how she left me and faded into the arms of another guy

What I did, was the question I pushed to ask her

Up till now, she has not been able to provide me with a convincing answer

The tears I shed when she left me years back, revisited my eyes that night and defeated me from logging into dreamland

It took me another week in trying to put those memories mixed with sadness and happiness behind my back

A life they said, it hurts like hell but has we truly tried hell

Moving on is impossible if we are still locked inside the memories of pain caused by people

Forgiveness does not only heal our hearts, but it also makes us stronger

Forgiveness reminds God of his promises he made to us

Forgiveness is an act of obeying God's divine law as written and proven in the scripture

Matthew 6:14-15

If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you

[15]But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

God, not forgiving us is an assurance of the fact, our prayers are assured of not flying into his presence

Forgiving someone that we truly love is one of the hardest tasks to execute

Each time those memories find their ways to our hearts, it's either left us broken or left us swimming inside a pool of tears

Imagine, if we are not being forgiven by God, the world could have ended

Forgiveness brings comfort to our souls and assures of his marvelous works

What happens if we decide not to forgive?

We tell God, we can't obey him

We unplug ourselves from the promises of God

We tell God, we can fight the battles by ourselves

Forgiveness is telling God, to take charge of everything

Forgiveness sets you freeze while unforgiveness put you in bondage

Let it go, you are the next to testimony


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