THE CALL OF BOOTY It was said that "the journey of a thousand miles began with a single step", the journey of my life was not an exception to that statement What I failed to defeat, became a monster that led to my defeat Maybe if I had it corrected in my secondary days, I might have been able to have it under the control of my palm My love for big thing costed me my glorious destiny My sexual appetite kept growing as a result of my unquestionable lust for "booty" I always lose control of myself, each time I set my eyes on a booty lady I thought it was a fun thing, I never knew it was a weapon to defeat me I have read and heard that I needed to flee but I have never fled for once You see, If you have tried millions of reasons to make me smile and they all failed, just try to get me a booty lady, I would give a radiant smile if you have never seen in your entire life I tho...