In the darkest hour... Taking steps to know who truly loves you won't be needed anymore Cos the darkest hour will help you to pen them on your diary In the darkest hour, you would find it hard to believe what your eyes will be brought to see, inside the crystal of destiny You would try to deny the message your eyes are linking to your brain and mind You would begin to lose enemies, who disguised as friends all this while... If you are lucky, you might find someone you can rest on his or her shoulders Or you might find none... You would be the only one, to decide whether to put yourself together or to wail on till the end of the age You could try to spark a radiant smile and end up swimming in tears The lesson you refused to learn in theory, would express itself on your heart in a practical form If you could garner strength and rise again I tell you, you will be stronger than a warrior who trained with the beast If you are able to rise again, you...