Unseen Extra
I tell you, One blow landed on you, you are gone, you will be dining and wining with the dead
As a matter of fact, your existence will be erased in the land of the living and your streak of a star will be shooting, far in the underworld
Hearing those words coming out from my coach, got me shaking, honestly, I was half defeated even before the boxing competition
I became scarier, the moment he began to unveil the remarkable record of the undefeated beast of Shaolin
This time, I wasn't just scared, I knew I was dying when my coach opened his back to show me the deepest scar he had in a fight with the undefeated beast of Shaolin, he added I am alive today, by a miracle
That year, I knew I needed to do more than the usual training, I needed to go "the extra mile" to get that undefeated beast defeated
I knew I had to go far away, for more training
Some skills needed to be learned, no one needs to tell me, if I didn't do that, I will not only lose the competition, I will be ruling like a slave in the underworld
So that day, I took a deep breath, talked to myself and that moment transformed my life
I hugged and kissed the pain like it was my lover
My body sweated under the strict governance of the cool breeze
I was heated, bent and hammered like gold and my star eventually came out glittering
And that was "the extra", the world was unable to see
They thought I am only a product of grace, they never knew I am also a product of race
They thought I am only a member of favour, little did they know that I am a bonafide member of labour
I understood the philosophy of labour, no favor without labor
I finally knocked down, the undefeated beast of Shaolin, the trophy was not gotten by mistake, it was gotten by consistent preparation
For every beautiful movie, there will always be unseen extra
The World didn't see the extra of prayers I committed myself into, they all cheered to the trophies I made
You see, when you were busy taking it all cool, I was busy taking it all hard on myself
When I was busy hustling like nobody, you were busy wining and dining like somebody
The unseen extra makes the difference between a winner and a loser
I gave myself into the race and pray for the grace, in order not to be a prey for the enemy and not to be disgraced...
"You can't have an outstanding result without standing out in the midst of others"
This is not a race for the babies, it is the race of men
Until boys learn what it takes to become men, they will forever remain as boys, thinking they are men
The unseen extra is the preparation that meets the opportunity...
What are you doing when no one sees you?
How do you spend your time?
That is the unseen extra, it is either you are made or you are marred through it...
Prepare for the opportunities...
I love you
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