I heard it loud and clear that, every preacher should be able to “walk the talk”, not just “the talk”
It was a big challenge for every preacher out there, maybe you have even failed to understand that anyone who passes a message is a preacher, it is not restricted to someone holding a microphone —the moment you deliver a message, you have preached, it is not just about wearing a big suit or putting on a corporate outfit
You could be a writer, a poet, a musician or an actor, the compound name I feel we can use is “PREACHER”, in one way or the other we preach to a great number of souls, even millions of souls...
With the enhancement of internet tools, preaching goes easy, within few seconds, it is just so easy to reach the world with our messages
Where exactly am I heading to?
Last night I was given a golden opportunity to travel into space and was given a direction to go lay my hands on a particular book written by Susan Hunt, titled “True Woman”
Of course, I have never really been fascinated or keened to read any book of such nature, I love to read books written by David Oyedepo, Sam Adeyemi, Williams Shakespeare and stuffs like that but because I was divinely directed to read it, I just have to oblige...
There I go again, this is a book I have seen severally but have never felt the urge to open the first page of the book...
I resolved to read it, Io and behold, it was marvelous on my sight...
There I sense a faulty foundation...
I cry and scream, where are “the true men and women”
Where are true men and women who can stand for the truth, when hell is calling?...
The core course of morality is no longer a goal to pursue, it has been replaced by its counterfeit
In the nineteenth century, Welter states the four cardinal virtues of a true woman, which are piety, submissiveness, purity, and domesticity
Can you tell me, where are the virtues as stated by Walter?
So if women are impure, most men are assured of falling into the pit...
Ask me how Satan defeated “our forefather Adam”, was it not through “Woman Eve”
Instagram is an obvious platform to justify the obvious apex of impurity in our world today
What a faulty foundation!
Taking for instance, where is the virtue of purity?
All we see on display is the impurity of heart reflecting on the outside— Their indecent dresses are enough to justify their lack of purity
One of the old axioms says, when women turn to monsters, men can hardly escape eternal consumption”
The influence of women on men can not be sidelined, no generation lives on without the impact of women
Another virtue stated by Welter is “Piety”, which is the quality of being religious
Tell me, how many young women are religious or reverent in our world today, ask yourself how many of you?
Their minds have been encapsulated by the wind of this world...
“If women are down, men are doomed”
If women can make men rise, they can equally make men fall, ask Samson
Another virtue is “Domesticity”, it means “family life”, most young women of today are not even ready to settle down, their minds have been preoccupied with the worldly things of this world, e.g clubbing and so on
They really want to enjoy their lives, they don't have the mind of enduring with a man who struggles to get things done, they crave for “bake men”
The last virtue as stated by Welter is Submissiveness,— hardly will you see a young pretty woman displaying submissiveness to a poor guy, it is rare
Submissiveness comes to play easily if the guy is flowing in wealth
How did we get here?
Someone linked it down to parental backgrounds and to others, it that still remains a big question begging for an answer
Nevertheless, if we truly want to reform the world, let us practice individual reformation
“Charity begins at home”
Note this» “no husband survives the tricks of a faulty wife”
Our world is doom without the presence of virtuous women
So if women are impure, men can hardly leverage on the level of purity, it will be like fighting with your shadow...
So, the importance of women on our generation can not be overemphasized or neglected...
No kingdom runs its affairs smooth without the influence of a woman
As we can see, the women in our world today have been obviously possessed with a trait of impurity
Let's pray for every young woman that has been brainwashed
May they see reasons to understand this article and change...
May they live their lives like Ruth, Esther and godly women of this generation
If women are not righteous, it will be hard for men to glide on in righteousness
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