Flipping through the promising pages of my destiny, all my eyes could capture was nothing short of beautiful scenery...

They all looked promising, I could hardly spot a dark lining on the sky of my destiny...

There was a scene I saw myself addressing the nation with two hefty bodyguards securing my life as if their lives depend on me

A smile took over my face, just like the stars took over…

Just like the stars took over the surface of the sky...

There is a part I saw myself wrapping my lips around the squashy lips of a gleaming queen, with a stunning ring to be given

There is another part, I saw myself playing with my wife and glorious children

I had a smile running on my face for more than a week, it was so obvious that it can not be denied…

Of course, the story sounds captivating, alluring, and tantalizing but  the chance of it coming into reality is slim without actively taking some steps into action

It will not be out of place to say, the destiny of a man is assumed to be practically dormant without possessing the muscular vibes needed to open the promising door of destiny

“For every glorious destiny, there is a price to be paid”

I sat thinking about Joseph…

Having discovered the core purpose of your destiny will of course give birth to a new you like Joseph...

Self Denial

Denying yourself from taking your favorite meal is an arduous one to resist on the journey of victory

“When you understand where you are going, it will be difficult to be stopped or aborted on the way”

What a man he was!


He was able to discover the core purpose of his existence and of course, it did help him in reaching his peak of destiny

“A purpose undiscovered is as good as a man wallowing in the grave”


Nov 5,2005

Champagne and music clouded the atmosphere of our vicinity on that very day I became a certified medical practitioner.

 Becoming a fine medical doctor was my father's greatest desire for me, it was a persistent string of tussle and hustle between me and my father before his red-wish became a reality

Smile was the most notable symbol on the faces of well-wishers, they were busy congratulating me...

I wish I could fake the smile, they craved to see on my young innocent face but all my effort to spark the smile resulted in futility...

I knew something is missing, I knew I was not destined to be a medical practitioner.

I knew I was destined to be a renowned writer and a healing musician

I went down to my feet vibrating like a plane awaiting explosion. Of course, I knew I have carelessly failed destiny...

I knew I have refused to hearken to the whispering voice of destiny...

I knew I was called to heal souls through words and songs but now I am left with drugs and a functional stethoscope...

I was compelled to foolishly pursue a dream, I wasn't meant to pursue

To the world, I was a fulfilled man but to myself, I knew I wasn't close to it...

Like a soldier, whose life depends on hitting the right target with just one bullet or die if missed— I floundered from my pool of tears and determined to pursue the dream I was called to pursue

The happiness of a man is embedded inside the discovery of his purpose and his ability to pursue it...

*rue happiness does not emanate from material riches, it emanated from fulfilling your so called-destiny

The core purpose of education is originally captured to widen our scope of reasoning in the pursuit of life dealings

“The inability of a man  to discover his core purpose on earth stands equal to a walking dead

Fulfillment is not tied to material wealth, it is hinged to fulfilling purpose on earth...

Of course, it is practically impossible to fulfill this, if you interact more with your “eyes than your spirit”

The easiest way to lose core purpose is to allow your eyes to be making decisions for you instead of your spirit-man

And if you don't have it, you are far from having a tasteful glimpse of it

Back to my story, I was close to being disowned by my father...

The journey to stardom was never promised to be easy, it was promised to be fueled by blood, sweat, and energy to pull through...

Rejection, disappointment, and failure won't be found wanting on the way to victory...

I wonder, if Jesus could be denied on several occasions before his very eyes, that means you are not excepted

If Joseph could be pushed to slavery by his blood brothers before he could reach his tunnel of destiny...

“A soul who could not endure is not qualified to enjoy”

Joseph had the chance to cut corners to the top by sleeping with his master's wife but he refused.

What do we have in our world today?

People are cutting corners to the top, they couldn't endure the painful moment that will not be for eternity...

Illegal and unrighteous acts are called hustle...

What a waste of destiny!

Endurance is the second price that must be paid in reaching the peak…

The movie titled “The Train” taught me a great lesson...

Even when the whole world was discording the glorious future of Mr. Mike that practically looked shapeless and uncertain, he still pressed on in the midst of the storm...

He didn't permeate the raging storm to sweep his feet off the track of his chosen destiny

And his unbending decision birthed “THE RENOWNED  MOUNT ZION FILM MINISTRY”

The future is brighter than you, so be ready to shed tears, be ready to be insulted, and be called a nonentity...

Prepare to be ditched with beautiful excuses by the one you love

The journey to the top is laced with thorns and the first version of fire and of course, it is not meant for the “lily-hearted”...

“It is meant for the lion-hearted”


Three things constitute what we become in life...

What you see

What you hear

What you do

The above-mentioned points exist in our surviving environment

What you see will either dent the image of your destiny or move you closer...

Many left their promising but shapeless destiny panting in the arms of wilderness while they are busy watering the tweeny-weeny destiny of another man...

What a hidden disaster!

What do you hear?

Nothing is heard and dissipated, they silently went down into the subconscious mind

Have you been truly touched by the hands of your destiny?

Yea, I have been touched, it was indeed a great encounter...

Thinking like everybody has gone into extinction and now am heading to the palace of distinction…

On my way, I heard everyone whispering, I am a mad man like small Brother Mike...

Maybe, it was because I didn't choose my dream, it was my dream that chose me...

Yea! It will take more than mental work to process the right answer

“My dream chose me”

Attitude is a product of our daily doings...

Attitude determines altitude in life...

What we would become in life is beautifully embedded inside our attitudes

“Every day counts”

Whatever you do in each day counts and I tell you, you are being transformed unconsciously…

“Prayer doesn't fail but it could fail you”

It could fail you if your mind has been seductively captured by the enticing figure of this world

“If you don't know what you carry, it will be hard to know how to tarry”

Note this— “the thought of a man is limited to what he has inside of him”

“In other words, we can't think beyond what we know”

So it is important to read more, study, and meditate...

Knowledge is light, without it, darkness sets in...

“In the darkness, cheating is inevitable in the market of destiny”

If you don't wish to be cheated, learn more


“If the lord has not built the house, it is useless for the laborers to keep on working”

The strategies of men are not guaranteed, without God's approval

“A glowing destiny without God is being nurtured for disaster, not for growth”

A destiny without God is a failed one...

The strategies of mortal men will surely fail but this great God has never failed...

“The riches of men will one day go into extinction without serving God, who celebrates distinction”

God is the only surviving oxygen of destinies, anything could fail but God has never failed

When Peter was sinking, he screamed for Jesus

Destiny has a price and that price is discovering and fulfilling the core purpose

The greatest achievement, a man could ever achieve in life, is to find his purpose and fulfill it

In my next write up, I will copiously express ways to find, express, and fulfill purpose


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