ONLY LOVE Stupidity is the order of the day of anyone in the world who comes to say he does not know me, "Warrior Smith The man who has defeated men of noble and might with his bare hands I really can't sum up the number of lives I have used their blood like water to wet the battleground I wouldn't forget to mention that killings of knights have always been my pride I am a terror in human form, a scary beast who doesn't lose in the battle, as a matter of fact, I am the next to the throne Until I met Alice on the battlefield whose skin flashes to me like the ray of light in the morning The sight of Alice makes me tremble for love that has been locked in the castle of heartbreak for the past 12 years of my life Her touch melts my heart like the burning of a candle The more she talks, the more I long to lock her lips forever into mine The love she came to offer is...