IMMORALITY IN SCHOOLS I tried all I could to keep quiet on this but my conscience ness wouldn't allow me to let sleeping dogs quietly keep on resting Of course, immoral practices in higher institutions is not a fresh file on the table of Nigerians And also immoral practices in Secondary schools are no longer a new thing Cases of immoralities I have seen are beyond what I could capture on a single file Please, quickly permit me to make a brief introduction of myself My name is Gift and I am an undergraduate student, schooling in Ajayi Crowther University On a nutshell, we had a semester break, which normally takes up to 2 months before it is over Being idle at home was one of the things I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed on, I hate that just like the way I hate fake pastors So, I decided to assist one of my elder sisters, who is running Nursery and Primary school, which was very close to ou...