WATCH OUT: AM GLOWING SOON! In the race of destiny, overtaking is allowed, it is overspeeding that is tantamount to danger Friends called it foolishness when they saw me taking some steps, they called it a foolish step They were flabbergasted, the moment they saw me, squaring up my shoulders, walking tall around the house and caught me talking to a friend who works in Cars45 in Lago, I was busy pricing various exotic vehicles To cap it up, they were making jest of me, they concluded, “lazy bone also desires for good thing” Of course, I have a job but the salary is never a juicy one... I dropped the call and walked past them and voiced out; watch out, am glowing soon Banjo clapped, look at this mumu as if I never knew how slim your account is You better work harder, let me make it clear to you, you can't even purchase a wheel of a bicycle So many times, people have run an estimate of our destiny... Some have even pictured us as inferior ones, they have made a ...