
Showing posts from April, 2020


WATCH OUT: AM GLOWING SOON!  In the race of destiny, overtaking is allowed, it is overspeeding that is tantamount to danger Friends called it foolishness when they saw me taking some steps, they called it a foolish step They were flabbergasted, the moment they saw me, squaring up my shoulders, walking tall around the house and caught me talking to a friend who works in Cars45 in Lago, I was busy pricing various exotic vehicles To cap it up, they were making jest of me, they concluded, “lazy bone also desires for good thing” Of course, I have a job but the salary is never a juicy one... I dropped the call and walked past them and voiced out; watch out, am glowing soon Banjo clapped, look at this mumu as if I never knew how slim your account is You better work harder, let me make it clear to you, you can't even purchase a wheel of a bicycle So many times, people have run an estimate of our destiny... Some have even pictured us as inferior ones, they have made a ...
Sorry is not enough I was home feeling frustrated, why was that?  I was out of data I felt the need to go out and hurriedly got a data, then I suddenly stopped while trying to materialize my thoughts What did I do? I decided to feed my brain from a book written by Garry Chapman and Jennifer Thomas, published in Chicago I must confess, it was a flow of ideas sent from heaven The book copiously expresses on how we can magically turn our world to be worthy of living Of course, the idea of friendship and  relationship can not be ruled out in our world Our existence surely rests on the wall of friendship and relationships In achieving this, we need to understand the systematic nature of the human system and the strategies that must be applied in achieving a peaceful existence The book didn't fail to understand human imperfections, we were often called imperfect lovers expected to be perfect in all ways The book did not fail to recognize the fact that, there is n...
There is no argument about it anymore, we all know our lives are daily governed through a number of laws and orders It wouldn't still be out of place, to write that, the laws governing our existence, some are written while others are not written We also learned this in Government; written laws are mostly tedious and rigid in nature, which make them difficult to be manipulated or easily amended constitutionally, unlike unwritten laws which can easily be manipulated and abused The significance of laws and orders can not be ruled out of our daily living Either consciously or consciously, we all dance to the music of the laws For instance, we all have been legally commanded by the government to stay home, in order to abate the continuous spread of Coronavirus, possibly to eradicate it and failure to oblige will make such offenders face the “undefeated hands” of the law In Nigeria, today, five offenses are punishable by death. These include murder, treason, treachery, ...
                             “Hey You” Have I severally sprung on you and you cunningly shunned me? You be like, who is this Olorun guy... Or you, just in a jiffy, you swiftly estimated the worth of a guy chatting you, comparing him with the other guy who  you met the other day You left him broken without a dagger and made him look practically stupid without saying a word You were hailed and called by all, a fussy girl The reigning glowing queen with the amazing touch of beauty You ditched out a good out like a piece of card and hinge on with “the bad guy with the wonga” You don't even wanna know where he made “the greenback” he keeps spending on you, all you care to know is, he has “mazuma” and is making my skin glow He keeps on chatting and you be like, this guy is not stinking “dinero”, he is just stinking poverty You stood beside your make up kit , you are comparing present guy wi...
                      HAUNTED MEMORY I thought the moment she took a walk away, everything we shared together had gone away with her... Of course, I wasn't happy to journey all alone but I was left with no choice Then why do I still have her memories lingering in my heart?... As I pressed on in life, the memory of what we shared together keeps splashing sound... I tried fighting it and decided to make my way to bed, guess what, it never stopped, it keeps coming... I thought by closing my eyes, it would shut the door of the memories from entering the dreamland with me to my surprise, the memory broke in, without any force... I was with my friends, we sat down gisting, all of a sudden, I heard a dulcet voice that sounds exactly as that of Jane I halted our conversation and took a walkout, to verify the truthfulness of my what I heard, sad to say, I saw no one Maybe I am going crazy, I can't answer that.....
I wish this feeling never existed... The moment my heart caught fire of love in your eyes, that was when you said you were leaving... You spun me inside and suddenly took a walk away I thought you were my escape route, you were the sure route to destruction You moused me inside with your beautiful smile and incredulously stabbed my heart with no trace of you You left without saying goodbye You left when I was finding reasons to love again... You eventually gave me a reason to keep on believing that True love never existed I thought I could keep you in my heart, I never knew you were a beautiful bomb wrapped inside the figure of a man, targeted to explode my heart panting for survival in the arms of heartbreak I thought loving you is my last hope... I never knew you came to smoke my heart with your heroic-figure I craved for survival, I never knew you were the real disaster I wish I had read the signs of your arrival, I would have strategized on how t...
                                                        Hunger For Knowledge Ayanfe left his delicious meal on the table uneaten, in preparation for his exam, he was severally persuaded by his friend, Wuraola to try and eat little out of his food, still, he refused to eat He was busy reading, chewing and biting every page of ARCH 213, a course titled “HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE” All his friends were surprised to have seen him in such an unusual state Beyond doubt, Ayanfe was an intelligent guy, as a matter of fact, his friends usually call him a paragon of excellence In spite of being the quick-witted guy, he still denied himself the satisfaction of taking his delicious meal, maybe he was not hungry or he was hungrier for knowledge He denied himself the delectation of chatting all day, he was seen burying his mind and brain inside the ...
                Battle For Identity Jessica drove into one of the biggest restaurants in town, her appearance was a reflection of her worth Every single person she met on her way inside was seen running their eyes on her angelic stature, her beautiful Piaget Limelight wristwatch, a full-length gown laced with gold and you know what, it was fit and flare She didn't only attract those she met outside, the moment she stepped into the restaurant, everybody's attention was focused on her Someone silently said, this lady must be a princess, another one said, no! she must be a queen of Texas... She looked stunningly and smashingly gorgeous which made it hard for every single man to put their eyes off her She became the controller Jessica was a mortal being like every other person but was identified as a Queen in this context She became “a small god” controlling almost the thoughts of everyone she met on her way, steering to the restaura...
One solid point I didn't struggle to deduce from the story of the tower of babel, was the force of unity, even God, as powerful as he is, might not be able to stop them if he didn't distort their common language Of course, Unity wouldn't be able to exist without love Love was the instrumental force that made them act beyond the natural realm, I must confess, they were supernatural It was copiously expressed in the scriptures; you could have divine ability to split oceans into two parts like Moses, you may have divine ability to expressly flow in tongues like Joshua Selman, you may have the divine ability to commandeer fire to strike the earth like Elijah, you may have the divine ability to dream of the future like Joseph, you may have the ability to believe “the impossible” like Abraham and one thing remains the most instrumental gift of all, that is simple love Lacking love is likened to having a bulb without the light, it is practically useless, oh it is eve...
THE GOLDEN ERA OF DIGITAL MARKETING A big thank you to te chnology", it has really brought our world a lot of benefits that we couldn't deny, especially in the line of businesses. Gone were those days, when I h ad to take my goods to d ifferent strategic spots before I could get them sold. I vividly remember one ugly d ay, it wasn't a good day, I went out with my bag filled w ith different wears, I had to fight for space in the air before I could sell two out of t he numerous wears In my bag. Gone were those days when different marketing d epartments in different organizations had to go through hell before they co uld meet their targets with the born of digital marketing, everything goes so smooth and easy, targets are made, profits are realized and every of the staff goes home smiling with cash. What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing is one of the basic components of m arketing, which helps in the utilization of digital technologies...
                   A FAULTY FOUNDATION I heard it loud and clear that, every preacher should be able to “walk the talk”, not just “the talk” It was a big challenge for every preacher out there, maybe you have even failed to understand that anyone who passes a message is a preacher, it is not restricted to someone holding a microphone —the moment you deliver a message,  you have preached, it is not just about wearing a big suit or putting on a corporate outfit You could be a writer, a poet, a musician or an actor, the compound name I feel we can use is “PREACHER”, in one way or the other we preach to a great number of souls, even millions of souls... With the enhancement of internet tools, preaching goes easy, within few seconds, it is just so easy to reach the world with our messages Where exactly am I heading to? Last night I was given a golden opportunity to travel i...